Last time on Coolhat's adventure, she went through the entire Kanto region, defeating evil along the way to become champion. After taking a ship to a brand new region, she sets her sights on the championship here...moving into a brand new house in a brand new small town, to boot!

Pokemon? Of course, definitely Pokemon.

You have a Ran!? WHY NOT GIVE THAT ONE TO ME!?

I have decided my name must go. If I use it people may recognize me from Kanto, so Snazzy it is.(yes I know that is a terrible name shutup)

I feel like some human rights laws were violated in this move...

I still remember from the first days of my journey that there was a potion I forgot in the box! Oddly enough there's one here too. Must be one free to all "upcoming" trainers, huh...

Uncool has gone off who knows where, so my new neighbours have spawned their own kid to replace her as my rival. She's pretty cool as far as I'm concerned, no stealing looks or anything!

I just realized I have no idea where Wish is. ...oh well, better help that dude!

Oh THERE you are!Wish: I thought there was food in here. D:

...use emb--wait, WHEN DID YOU TURN MALE!?Wish: Huh? I've always been male! You just assumed. I even wear pants, see?Your kind always wears pants!

Prof. Birch: I have no idea where that CMokou even came from, but since you displayed such brilliance fighting that horrible CNazrin, you must have it!It was already mine in the first place, but okay!

Do you have an off button what with your flaming skin shield and all?Wish: Uh......nevermind, ow!

HOLY CRAP A CYUKARI! We must catch...LIES! I have no Toho Orbs!


You guys recognize me from Kanto? I guess my hat is too prolific!Wish: Maribel's hat looks better...What!? She has a diaper on her he--Maribel: Excuse me?Your hat is nice, yes.

Maribel: I'll ignore what you just probably need some Toho Orbs, so...have some.Wow, even though I just insulted you.Maribel: Do you want these damn orbs or not!?

Yes! A Nue! A wondrous lead Touhoumon! Wish, em--TNue: *faints*...Wish: ...I'm sorry! I didn't know they were so brittle!
A million Touhoumon later...
Goddamnit Wish, you've practically set the entire place on fire. How can I catch anything if you clog their lungs with smoke before I can!?Wish: At least it makes me stronger!But that just makes catching harder!!

Wish: Hooray! Finally! I'll name you Lightning!Wish: After the Final Fantasy character?What? No, after lightning. What else could it be?
Wish: Alright, Lighting! Go go go! did I input Lighting... blah.

Lighting: I don't mind the name, so long as I can serve you well.
Wish: It could mean she brings rays of sunshine in your life! Much less violent than lightning, right?Wish, just shut up.

Lighting: Those well-groomed ears, that delicate pose...I believe my heart has just been ripped out of my chest...

....Wish: Haha! Pound! Get it!? POUND HER HARDE--WISH BE FUCKING QUIET

Wish: Hey Coolhat--Snazzy, it's snazzy now...or Snazzy Hat!Wish: ...hey you, can puppets eat other puppets? Grilled bird sounds delicious.CMystia: N-no!! Please s-spare me!...Just knock her out, Wish.

Uh, I guess I am? Can we fight now?

Who is this dude!? Why are you interrupting our gym battle!?Dad: Go help him catch a puppet.Can't he do it hims--Dad: NOW.Bah.

Wow dad, give him a CNazrin. I'm sure that level 5 thing can catch things...Lighting: I think CNazrins are quite capable.

Wish: Wow! He did it with only one Toho Orb! That is skill!

As far as I'm concerned I think becoming champion makes me pretty strong already? Oh wait, my dad never keeps tabs on me. :C

IS IT THE HAT?Lighting: It seems all trainers require hats.Wish: But wearing hats are so hot, that's why I got ribbons.I think you get hot because you're made of fire.Wish: Oh.

Thanks to Lighting all the puppets we run into we don't murder!Wish: Hey, gaining experience to level up is important too!We need more than just you to get anywhere, Wish. Do not be overconfident.Wish: Okay, okay...

Aya: WHY AM I NAMED AYA!? What is this mockery? Those guys are the worst puppets I've ever known! You sons of a bi--Wish: I think she's mad.Lighting: Names aren't about everything, Aya--Aya: DON'T CALL ME THAT!Yeah, she's definitely modest. If you want to know why, I once had an Aya named Hatate who died one tragic night--Aya: So I'm named after her?...uh, kind of?Aya: ....fine.

Do any if you guys know if Hinas explode here? Well, I guess they do but just wondering.Lighting: I lost my previous master to a Hina explosion.Oh, alright then. I guess I'll be extra cautious.

Wish: Hey what's going on over there?I'd rather stay out of other people's business.Wish: HEY YOOOOU~!Ugh...

Please be nothing...please be nothing...

That guy is trying to steal your puppet isn't he? Guess we'll get this over with.FWOOSHAqua!guy: BUT I HAVE WATER PUPPETS HOW D'YOU...I'M TELLING BOSS!Stranger: Wow! Thank you!
No, thank Wish. >_>Wish: Woo!

These AdYukaris are incredibly dan--Lighting: Uh oh.Wish: She lasted long.Damnit...well, early on I do tend to lose an excess of puppets...Lighting: I wonder what that means for us.Wish: I took this position willingly!

Aya the CHatateLevel 5 - 12She hated her name
Well, I guess that quickens the leveling for you guys.

Wish: So do you think they have a secret weapon under their sleeves to unleash on us when we least expect it?Lighting: Nope.Wish: Right then! Embeeerrr~

Wish: Why? She's so weak--Get out.Lighting: Guess I'll take over...I technically have the advantage.Murasas are TERRIFYING around here...egads

Wish: Alright! Maybe this time she won't die in five minutes!Must you take these matters so casually, Wish?Wish: You want me to be a mopey angsty puppet instead?That's technically what your kind do...Wish: I have no reason to be sad!

Wish: Wow, that's a nice hat. Oh wait, there seems to be a small girl underneath it!Judge: I sense a disturbance within your soul. You seem a foolish one indeed...Lighting: I think we can already tell.

Ooooh, Faint Attack. That's quite the sneaky tactic.Lighting: I try to serve master with whatever method possible, despite the moral circumstances that may occur.

Yes! Yes! DIE AMURASA! BE SENT BACK DOWN TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG! Murderous piece of--Judge: That would be enough, she has already been convicted.You're no fun are you?Wish: I can make sure she will be! ;)

...uh, that does not look like a puppet.Judge: From what I can tell it's an eldritch abomination that escaped from some distant dimension. Wish: That's one ugly puppet.Aren't you a bit scared of it? Of the unknown?

Judge: It's dying.Eh?Judge: The creature lacks any proper attack, like a parasite that never should have been born in the first place, misplaced in a world not of its own. So its form is slowly degenerating...Maybe we should put it out of its misery.Judge: Yes, I agree.

Alright, time for our very first gym! Let's see what this guy can throw out at me.

er, I mean girl...huh, that's a first.

Well, why else would I be here? Let's rock!

Hm, my previous knowledge may not apply here. Though from Kanto I knew fire did little to Chens, so let's try Judge...
CChen: Wow, you're even smaller than me!Judge: I am not in the mood for banter, child.CChen: You can't call me child, you're smaller than me.Judge: Grrr...

Judge: That should put her in her place.

FIRE IS SUPER EFFECTIVE AGAINST ANIMALS!?Wish: I think it's super effective against everything :3Lighting: Except water.Wish: Water! My one true nemesis! Well, besides that stupid brunette puppet I keep running into back home.

Hey look it's a dog.Wish: Hey look it's fire.

CMomiji: OH GOD PLEASE PUT ME OUT PUT ME OUT AAAAAAAAA!Wish: Everybody do the fire dance, yeeeah!
Seeing Touhous burn, I should be used to this by now, so very much used to it...

And so I have my first badge...I remember when I got my first first badge, all my Touhoumon died except my I guess it's a very good thing you've come a long way.Wish: So long as I am sticking around!I also lost a Hatate at that point too.Wish: Damn, those things must be cursed.Judge: Don't worry, there is a special place in Box 12 for all those CNazrins, CHatates, CChens and other common puppets who died shortly after a trainer doomed them to a hopeless battle.You are so very optimistic, aren't you?
Lighting: How very rude...
Aw c'mon, not that guy again.
Judge: A good deed goes a long way.You're all going to agree with her, aren't you?Wish: Hey, you beat tons of bad guys in your old home!That was because of...well okay, let's get that guy.
Current Roster
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