The Nuzlocke Challenge 10: The Unnecessarily Sentimental End
Current Roster

The penultimate battle has passed and now COOLHAT and friends are wandering off to the SEVII Islands, to see what she can finish before the journey ultimately ends...

Luigi: Hey COOLHAT, why are we on Seven Island already?Because I accidentally overwrote a bunch of screenshots so this is the earliest I have of what we did here.Luigi: How careless.Be quiet.
I wonder how decent the trainers here are...



SockPuppet: A bit of an overreaction there...FuckYeah: RUN AWAY! Uhm yeah, you kind of killed it.FuckYeah: *RUNS AWAY!!*Broken: Oh come on.

Broken: They can't be that bad if you one-hit it.

Broken: ...

Broken: FFFFFFFFFFFFF--Okay Broken get back here, Jebus!Jebus: You rang?SockPuppet: Get back in the box! I'll handle this.

SockPuppet: Honestly, you people.Broken: You only had to clean up.SockPuppet: ...we're fine.

I still miss Cranium...speaking of which...

AHA! There is still one thing I said I'd fulfill.

SockPuppet: Really? It's only level 16, must you use a...

FuckYeah: WOOOOOOOO!Awwww yeeeaah.Warhead: New friend!?SockPuppet: ...I shouldn't have expected anything else.
Wish: !?I have plans for you later, Wish. Your fate is not to be banished to the box forever.Manboobs: It's not that bad here! Girls eveeerywheeere~Prosper: I'm so glad I'm out of that place.

I don't even know who you are.Broken: Are you sure we should be facing more of these trainers?

Luigi: I'm pretty sure I can douse the fire!Warhead: And if you can't, I'll guarantee a nuke! :DLuigi: ...let's keep the field clean for now.


Luigi: No big deal.

See? Broken, now you try.
5 minutes later...

SockPuppet: That was absolutely ridiculous.Luigi: I'll say!
Broken: We will never speak of it again.

HOW MANY OF THESE DO YOU HAVE!?Warhead: Keep them coming! They melt easy. :3

Warhead: Seeeeee?
Juggler: THAT BIRD IS MONSTROUS! TAKE MY MONEY! TAKE ALL OF IT! Just leave my puppets alone!
I think there is something wrong here...Broken: You mean how you replaced Cranium with a Momiji which was what killed her and are now training Prosper on wild Keines?Well I meant how Prosper is lower level than she is but by gods you're right!

Uncool's pretty darn enthusiastic after that Touhou League fiasco...Uncool: I found this egg! You too should get an egg!Warhead: Eggs taste good!
FuckYeah: Wait what are you doing--SockPuppet: WARHEAD, THOSE ARE TOUHOU EGGS!Warhead: There's a difference?Uncool: ...I think I'll go now. You should restrain that bird.

Luigi: Whoa, it's real chilly in here.

Warhead: Let me roast these fairies for you then!

Uhm, Warhead...maybe you should come back...Warhead: Everyone is cold! I've got this!

Warhead: Seeeee?Luigi: That is warm!SockPuppet: Someday you're going to get killed in battle.

Warhead: ! I WANT TO LEARN THAT! IT SEEMS STRONG!SockPuppet: Correction, someday you're going to kill yourself in battle...maybe very soon.Warhead, I think we'll hold that move off for later, heheh...


Why do you know how to go up waterfalls, FuckYeah? When you can't even SWIM!? And how come Luigi can't!?

FuckYeah: What? It's obvious! Luigi has to float for us while we're on water, so when we get to a waterfall, I'll just fling us up!SockPuppet: That makes no sense.Luigi: You're not supposed to try to make sense!SockPuppet: Right, right.

SockPuppet: Why wasn't there a vigilante when I was swiped off by Team Rocket?Broken: Are you reminiscing of bad times?SockPuppet: And why would they take the crappy fairies in this cave?Broken: Never mind.

Prosper: Te.Warhead: Te?Te.

DMomiji: Wait, I have something I must say! We Touhous do not necessarily agree with the actions of our masters and--Warhead: RAAAAARHAWRHHHHGHH!!SockPuppet: That could've been useful.

Warhead: You mean--SockPuppet: Yes, deep-freeze. Completely.

Not at all? You're a proponent of stuffing the box with poor imprisoned Touhous, aren't ya?Jebus: This place isn't so bad.Sourpuss: You're kidding right?Jebus: It is safe and you are not in battle where you could die horribly.Party: ...Jebus: Is it not the truth?Warhead: Dying horribly is a much better fate than living in peace!FuckYeah: Yeah!! ....wait what?

Luigi: Now that I think of it, this island is rather...intimidating.

Warhead: So long as there is me, there is nothing to fear!

SockPuppet: It's still doable, so there's that.

It's like you've earned the right to be confident.SockPuppet: Of course.

Luigi: Yay!

What the hell?Broken: And we're just going to let him take it?Uh, I guess?

And now we're going to take it back!

A sandstorm inside a building, the wonders of puppets.

Luigi: This is veeeery dangerous...

Warhead: MORE KILLS!

Warhead: HAHAHAHAHAhA!Broken: Calm down.Warhead: Hahahaha!

...uh, is there something wrong with that Eirin?Broken: Did you misplace your neck?

Broken: Either way they're not particularly threatening.

Broken: you can see.

FuckYeah: Wow! She's just blazing through this!SockPuppet: And when you do that, you earn your right to be confident.Warhead: BLAZING you say?

Warhead: :D

Luigi: Yeah, maybe we should stick with Broken for these guys...
We finished the SEVII Islands (I gave the rocks to that dude and stuff) Cerulean Cave became free!

Let me start by saying, this is the last thing we're going to do. Then you're all home-free.SockPuppet: Risk our lives one more time?I heard a God lived here, and was suppressing the other puppets who were trapped in here too. Wanna liberate them?FuckYeah: I'm all for it!Broken: Alright.Warhead: But then what will I destroy!?Youkai Mountain seems like a very suitable place for you, Warhead! But let's not discuss details of the aftermath until then shall we? We have one more battle.

Here we are...SockPuppet: If I have to sock another Youmu one more time...This is the last thing SockPuppet, let's make it count.

Hm, this may be a little dangerous. I have no clue of its type.SockPuppet: I'm thinking the same as me.But the thing is, every puppet we've faced had a counter to its disadvantage. It is how Cranium fell after all...I need to study its attacks further!Luigi: So, is SockPuppet going to stall?I guess so?SockPuppet: That's fine, I can hold.

SockPuppet: ...uhShit. It's healing! What do we do? Warhead? Maybe your attack will overwhelm it! Or perhaps Luigi can stall further, or Bro--FuckYeah: Earthquake!What?FuckYeah: It solves all our problems!...I, I don't know...FuckYeah: Well, you won't know until you try....okay.

...Shit.SockPuppet: What bloody happened!?Luigi: No! Even her strongest attack could do nothing!Warhead: LET ME AT HER!!Broken: Do you want to die? I'll go ahead.Wait, hold on Broken.Broken: I'm your tank. You should've let me stall at the very least!Bu--Broken: Shut up.
Broken: There, you see? All fine. She only had...Psychic attacks? But why would a God be Well, she knew only the strongest of the strong trainers would fight her, she knew they would already be experienced and have the knowledge of how puppets work...she must've armed herself with the same typing as a trick.Broken: To, if not win, at least take someone down with her.No, that can't be it. I was just...completely stupid, out of it...made a mistake no trainer like I should have! Warhead: ...she was the one who wanted to try.Warhead?Warhead: I would've gone too! I wouldn't blame you if I didn't win! That's the point of fighting! If I died, then that's that! I'd rather go down in a fight then fade away like in that cave I lived in. Broken: You are being surprisingly wise.Warhead: Everyone always coddled me because I was easily knocked down. They didn't want me to fall. I know all Utsuhos go down easily...our species don't live you got to live in the moment! Like eating eggs and fighting the happiest you can be! FuckYeah lived like that too!

But she was always so scared!Luigi: If she really wanted to stop fighting she would've, but she kept going anyway. Even if everything ends up like a stupid, preventable regret, we all have to move on. It is the way of the Touhou, the way of the puppets.Warhead: We live to fight! Or at least I do.Broken: They're right.Right then, SockPuppet? You're kind of quiet.SockPuppet: Bring me to the damn Eirin Centre!

Oh, right...let's go!

FuckYeah the EShouLevel 11 - 65

Hm, I suppose this is our last visit...for now, anyway.SockPuppet: ...Luigi: Speechless huh?SockPuppet: Was that close to being the one under that cement.Well, you're free now. No more risks to someday end up under there.SockPuppet: That so-called God was pitiful.Broken: almost killed you.SockPuppet: It should've. It's a God, they should have more than one typing! I swear everyone on this entire planet are morons, even the Gods! Warhead: Then they have a lot to learn!So...nothing sentimental then, SockPuppet?SockPuppet: ...I'm just not satisfied. After all that we been through, it feels less that we accomplished something and more that everyone else is incompetent. Broken: I get it, you wanted to go down fighting too.SockPuppet: Or win spectacularly, earning it.And what if you didn't survive that ordeal?SockPuppet: Then that's that. Life moves on, just without me.You puppets are so grim, but I don't think I have anything else I can do, at least not here. I've decided what I want to do. I'm heading off to another region, without you guys.

Warhead: Wait, but who will I fight!?You should head off to Youkai Mountain, maybe attract a new trainer to catch you or perhaps fight the Touhou already there.Warhead: Cool! I'll fly there right now! You do know where to go right? Sometimes you go East when we're trying to go West when flying.Warhead: I'll get there eventually!And knowing how reckless you fight, this may be the last time we see one another.Warhead: It might be, but I have absolutely no regrets fighting with you! It has been...what's the word?SockPuppet: honour?Warhead: Nope! Let me think! ....oh right, a blast! It's been a blast!Broken: Of course. Luigi: Take care, Warhead!So long.Warhead: Byebye! Unyu~

Broken: I suppose I should get going then.Ah,'ve been ridiculously dependable.Broken: Not as much as Cranium.What do you mean?Broken: Your confidence in her was so great it got her killed, yet you hesitated to use me and got FuckYeah killed....ah, well...Broken: I understand. I haven't been on your team as long as others, but it has been an enjoyable experience. I'll be going back home, maybe that plant isn't so abandoned after all. Maybe we'll see each other once again. I haven't had reason to feel jealousy on this team, at least not the malicious kind.I hope you do well wherever you go.Broken: The same to you.Luigi: See you, Broken! You really are broken!SockPuppet: You saved us all so many times.Broken: Finally admit something, hm?SockPuppet: It would be pointless to go off with an insult.Broken: Hm.

Luigi: I actually have no idea what I should do now.You mean like Warhead?Luigi: Well, fighting until I die isn't exactly ideal... I liked being on this team because we were helping others, for the most part.SockPuppet: Right.Luigi: So I guess I'll try doing just that some place else! Starting with the Route near Celadon.Why there?Luigi: It's where SockPuppet originated from, isn't it?SockPuppet: No, actually.Luigi: Where did you come from?SockPuppet: I did not recognize any of the areas we've been through here, so probably really far away.Luigi: At the very least I'll try to release those Touhou from the mills, like you were in. That would be admirable, Team Rocket should be disbanded now. I wish you good luck.Luigi: You as well!

Ah, the quiet one.Prosper: I do not feel as if I belong.I know, you've been in the box for a while now.Prosper: Contrary to popular belief, the box is quite peaceful.SockPuppet: There is another reason for your quietness, isn't there?Prosper: Hatate...I never thought she'd fall before me. And then the fact that my good friend Cranium fell to another Momiji...I'm sorry if our time together was abrupt.Prosper: Of course it wasn't, but when you're in the box you have a lot of time to think. So where are you going to go?Prosper: I'd like to lead your box puppets. We'll start a tribe together, live in a remote forest somewhere...grow a sort of civilization maybe....can puppets do that?Prosper: We've already agreed. Would you like to come along, SockPuppet?SockPuppet: The offer is nice, but I have plans.Well I wish you and the other puppets good luck then! SockPuppet: Especially that....Manboobs, he'll be the village idiot.Manboobs: Would you like to see my scythe one more time? I promise you, nothing can compare!SockPuppet: Oh god, I can't have this right now.Prosper: I wish you well on your future endeavours.You too.

So...SockPuppet: ...You've yet to leave. I thought you would have left first.SockPuppet: You saved me....what?SockPuppet: That game corner, the mills. You bought me with all your money completely foolishly, but rather than throwing me away or letting me die, we went ahead and destroyed that stupid organization.I suppose we did.SockPuppet: I would like nothing more than to continue with you on your journey, but I know that will not do...Eh!?SockPuppet: So, what are you planning exactly?I'm taking Wish with me to a region pretty far from here. New beginnings and new lessons to be learned...SockPuppet: I see...sounds like a good idea actually. Starting over to learn and perhaps actually accomplish something with value this time.I could take you with me you know, you and Wish--SockPuppet: If I came with you I would destroy everything, if you really are beginning again. It would be against the whole point of what you're doing.True, but then where will you go?SockPuppet: There is a tower in Seven Island where all those "highly skilled" trainers go. I will be a wild puppet there and stop everything incompetent from getting through. That's the least I can do to make the world a little smarter.Natural selection I guess. Just like you.SockPuppet: I'm not leaving with some sappy goodbye if that's what you want.You kind of already did that.SockPuppet: ...maybe. Next time we meet, we'll fight.Right. A test! Until then!SockPuppet: I'm not expecting anything less.
So Wish, there's this region called Hoenn I want to check out!
Wish: Hoenn?You're going to be my starter, are you ready? Wish: Ready when you are! I want to be as awesome as all those puppets you raised before!Then we'll off! Hoenn! How will you treat us?

And that's the end of this Touhoumon Nuzlocke Run! For my first Nuzlocke, it was actually rather scary...especially the island and all those crazy puppets twenty levels higher than me. I actually was an idiot and forgot that Parsee was Dark and thus invulnerable to Sariel and also that she's a tank so she's pretty broken against such a boss, so Shou's death was pretty damn stupid and pointless. Oh well. (Though I DID expect Sariel to have more than just Psychic attacks. I was so confused when nothing ever happened to Parsee, and then felt so damn stupid letting Shou die afterwards. Boooooo~) Anywho, as alluded to in the script itself, I'm doing another run! This time a Randomlocke, with the same game that guy who inspired this run is doing as well, Touhoumon Emerald 1.8 or something. I keep feeling like I'm copying him lol, but this game has TEN DESIRES CHARACTERS and the cool typing like REASON and BEAST and stuff! Plus it's another region so it isn't Kanto for the nth time. My starter will be a CMokou yes because I have no clue what I will find, so I want to start with a Touhou I really like. It'd make the whole Master Ball thing have a little more meaning even if it's just a game.
...and yes, it is just a game. I am SO sorry if the ending was stupidly sappy or melodramatic, lol. I thought about their backstories and personalities too much so I had to give them a proper goodbye, even if they're just virtual pixels. I'm sorry. D:
Nonetheless, that's the end of this! Not exactly the end of the story entirely, I may do an original writing piece detailing their backstories (because is that not fun!? No? Well bleh to you!!) Until then, that is all from Spotto!
Endgame Roster
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