Randomlocke Challenge 2: Flying Touhoumon, My Nemesis
Current Roster:
Last time, Coolhat...or Snazzy or whatever she's calling herself, ended up defeating her first gym in Rustboro City, claiming her Stone Badge! Just when she and her Touhoumon were about to go out to celebrate, a familiar stranger-in need showed up right in front of her as if it were fate! And so the journey continues...

Wish: Aw, how come she gets all the credit?Judge: Doing a good deed isn't all about glory, but I suppose your ego is too large for you to understand that concept.Wish: I do not have an large ego! Just because I was chosen by the Toho League Champion to start off in a brand new place doesn't mean I can't act a little smug from time-to-time! Judge: Right...

Lighting: Why is he stealing a seagull?Surely that isn't enough for me to step in a do something right? It's just a stupid seagull--Wish: To victory!Judge: To justice!Lighting: The crowd has decided.Fah...

...well, I don't suppose I could just ask you to stop stealing a bird.Team Aqua Grunt: I'LL NEVER GIVE IT BACK! RAH!Always have to do it the hard way, these people.

Wish: And then you go and send out the one who isn't enthusiastic about ass-kicking.Excuse me if I want to keep you from being drowned.Lighting: I can handle this one hundred percent.

Judge: A boss, a most uncouth individual I imagine, having his cronies steal rather valueless birds.Lighting: Even a bird has feelings.Can I at least get a medal? No? It's just a dumb bird. Wait, there's something else here...

OH, it wasn't the bird you wanted! Wait then what the hell do I do with this bird?Old Man: GIVE IT BAAAACK!?Wish: Lunch?Alrighty then!

Mr. Stone: Thank you for returning this to me, I don't know where our corporation would have gone without you.Uhm, call the cops?Mr. Stone: We'd have to go bankrupt without them, as it would keep us from finishing our extravagant project...I'm going to have to do all the crime-fighting again, aren't I?

Mr. Stone: We want you to have this as a token of our appreciation.Wish: Sweet! Rewards!A map? I can look at a map in any old building!Judge: The deed is about action, not gifts.Mr. Stone: And this!

It's just a phone! You can't even play Angry Birds on it!

Why don't you call me first so we can arrange it, huh? If you're so amazed by this boring phone.

Wish: Oh the sweet smell of flaming dogs in the morning...CMomiji: Hiiiii~!!
Even if this becomes a recurrence, I'd prefer this over underestimating such a puppet...

Ah a CAlice! Let me get Lighting to take care of--FWOOSH!Wish: No need!...experience hogger.

Wish: Noooo! She's nature I can burn her too--Judge: Greed is such an ugly sin.

How convenient that we managed to find a way to get ferried over to that island with the gym when we have no other way...I wonder how other trainers got there.

Is this phone really that incredible!?

Judge: ...

Judge: Now get back to work.

A CYoumu! The perfect addition to give us more variety!Lighting: I am also a ghost.PERFECT!

Lighting: Well, either way I welcome our new comrade with humble arms.
Wish: Woah, so if you get smacked by Judge's stick, you won't flinch!?Judge: ...I doubt that, but I have no reason to hit you at the moment.Knob: ...at the moment?

A CSHOU! Sadly I cannot have you, sniff.Lighting: Sniff?Wish: She once had a Shou, I met her too. Cool gal, but no longer here...Knob: Should I uh, let it go?No, destroy her.Knob: Er...what?Experience!! :D

Double battles are always fun.Wish: Here's the plan. I burn them.Knob: What do I do?Wish: ...uh, you watch!Knob: But I'm faster than you...Wish: Goddamnit.

Wish: You know Knob, I feel this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, you and I. Our excellent adventures destroying the rest.Knob: I only know of my duty as a battling puppet, but despite your...unorthodox attitude, I feel we make an efficient team.Wish: Then let us burn, burn burn!

...it's always those ground earth attacks.Wish: KNOB, NOOOOOOO!Judge: She's in a better place now.Wish: Our beautiful friendship!!Lighting: You knew her for five minutes!Wish: I thought it had potential...

Judge: Komachi! When you get to the Sanzu River, wish our shortlived friend well.Komachi: Eh?Judge: *DECISION*

Knob the CYoumuLevel 10 - 16Wish's Best Friend

Alright this is just terrifying.
Lighting: This cave has been dangerous encounter after another.

Wish: These battles aren't the same without Knob...Judge: You're stuck with me now, so get your act together and attack.

Hurrah! Our weapons have been upgraded!To the gymmmm~!

Wow, what were your parents on when they named you?Brawly: ...You're asking for a beatdown, girl.

With Psybeam, you can sweep this entire gym Judge!Judge: This isn't going to be as easy as you think, Coolhat.It's Snazzy, stop calling me that!

See if you can punch a being that isn't even corporal!CSara: Okay! *crits*O_O

Judge: That was not what we planned, was it?Wish: Wait, what happened to Lighting!?

Brawly: Heh, you may have won but not without a price. Judge: The cockiness is not like you, Coolhat.I don't know what came over me...Wish: So wait...

Wish: Not...not Lighting! She was my first friend...Our first catch...Judge: The reality of danmaku. We'll have to move on.Rest well, Lighting.

Lighting the CTojikoLevel 3 - 20Our first catch

Nice to know, take your letter and let's get out of this crazy deathcave.

Wish: You know a thought occurred to me, since there are so many Nazrin around, bound to be caught by many novice trainers and therefore killed endlessly, is there a separate cemetery just for them?Judge: ...is this really what you think before you sleep?Wish: I'm just wondering! Don't you feel sorry for them!?CNazrin: ...wait what? D:Unfortunately the battlefield is not the place for idle chat, finish them off!

Judge: That's an odd amount of blue banana wearing folk.Wish: Heh, you said banana.Judge: Bandanna, bandanna was what I meant to say.Wish: Blue bananas, heheheh.Judge: Your immaturity is astounding.
You know I always wanted one of these.Wish: Why?...I have no idea.

Judge: Isn't there some sort of logic in place where you don't throw fire puppets out against water?...but we kill them anyway!Judge: Alright then, I won't question your decisions.

Once again I am helping out without intending to.Judge: It'll score you excellent good deed points.

Who?Wish: The girl with the diape--Oh...oh riiiiight, I have no idea kind sir.

Wish: This feels nostalgic.Judge: Maybe if opposing trainers didn't keep using puppets to your advantage!Wish: :D

Wish: I think we can safely grill and eat these, right?Sure, why not.

Oh hey a Yuyuko, let's try catching--FWOOSH!...sigh, nevermind.

Alright, something that isn't completely weak to Wish!Judge: Perhaps now we have something to knock you down a few pegs.Wish: It's not my fault everything around me is so brittle to fire!

Turtlepowa: This name is...rather odd, isn't it?I named you after one of my more interesting puppets back in the day, also a Nitori!Turtlepowa: Oh dear, I hope it's not one of those stuck up racist Nitoris! I don't want to have any part of them!Oh...we'll rename you later then!

Turtlepowa: This fighting business isn't half bad! I'm starting to enjoy it!Wish: That a girl!

Judge: ...was that even a full minute?Wish: It's like this Yuyuko enacted revenge for burning their child!Fah! That Nitori was really nice too, a shame.

Turtlepowa the CNitoriLevel 14 - 14The nicest CNitori we knew

...oh hey Maribel how you doin--you want to battle!? Uh, alright then...

Wish: Hey! That's my kill!Judge: I think it'd feel better not being cooked every time it fights us.

Wish: OHGODSI'MDYINGSOMEONEHELPME... *antidotes*Wish: Those things are a lifesaver!
Maribel: You don't seem to have as many puppets as before...Yeah, uh...about that...Maribel: Despite such a handicap I have still lost, so I have much to train, as do you! So you better get to doing that!Wow, you're so nice. I almost regret insulting y--Maribel: JUST GO!

A Meira! A good swordsman-addition after the lost of Knob...Wish: No one can replace Knob! FWOOSH!...I really need to remember to throw Judge out for these catches....

Judge: Our entire party is going to consist of water-types at this rate because they're the only things Wish can't one hit-KO.And therefore, keep you at bay, my little pyromaniac.Wish: Okay okay! I'll try not to kill all your potential catches now. :C

Suwhackjob: SUWHACKJOB, at your service!Judge: That's an interesting name.I am reminded of an image of one Suwako that went nuts in a wrestling ring, almost breaking its back in sheer rage...Judge: Uh.Suwhackjob: I hope I fit the image of your namesake, then!

Wish: These Nazrins are often at the side of these Shous, aren't they?Judge: I think it's in their nature to seek out Shous to serve.Wish: Do we have natures and purposes we must find and fulfill?Judge: Probably...Wish: I wonder what mine is...
Judge: Flashy attacks, just like you.Wish: Hey, it's my style! Completely unique and such.Judge: There is absolutely no reason to have fire in the shape of a wheel or to barrel roll before a kick.Wish: Makes life more interestin'

Hey! It's a Mi--Judge: TO HELL WITH YOU!BOOM!...Judge: I'm sorry, these hermits are running from authority...it was a reflex.Can't trust either of you with this catching business, can I?

Suwhackjob: A ghost and an oni? No match for us!Judge: Never overestimate your foe, Suwhackjob.Suwhackjob: Oh, okay. Go all on out with everything you got!

Wish: We're on TV!More specifically, Judge and I are.Wish: ..was I asleep or something!?Judge: You're pretty strict about your sleep, so we didn't bother you.Wish: Awww.

What do we have here?

Oh, I see.Judge: That would be a bad idea, wouldn't it?It's not our problem though.

I am always the solver of these problems aren't I!? Fine, but I'm going to crush you.

Suwhackjob: *swats a sleeve*CEllen: *faints*...Wish: Aren't we glad we stopped them? :D?I should've just let him get destroyed. ><

Well, walking into a gym unprepared and with only a single puppet will get your puppets killed.Wish: All too experienced with that, aren't you?I suppose I did the same the first time I challenged a gym, barely made it out with a single puppet.Suwhackjob: Wow, I'm glad I wasn't yours when you were younger!

Doesn't mean we aren't ready! Are we ready? We're ready!Suwhackjob: My first gym battle!As far as I know you'd be killed instantly here, so I must exclude you from this gym unfortunately.Suwhackjob: Awwww...

Wish: Such puns...are they a sin too?Judge: They should be.

Judge: That was an interesting fight.These CNitori are quite brittle, huh

Wish: I'm ready for the next batch when you are!

TIku: MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!...that's original.Wish: Eh, better than coming out with disco music.

Oh thank god, without a proper Touhou to counter, I thought this would be a very long match indeed...Wish: ...grkt...don't...know...how...I did...that...when I...can't even...m-move...

Hurrah! We have achieved victory!

Wish: Wow, I can't believe we've got three already!Judge: Five more to go, then.I wonder what we'll be like then...

Behold my power!

Man, I really hate flying Touhous...especially that Aya. TARGET THE AYA!Suwhackjob: Whatever you say!Judge: I have no qualms with that, there is an essence of overbearing evil within that one.

Hoooooomg!Suwhackjob: It's just a mouse! What's so exciting about it?That premier orb actually did something! Wish: Wow, she gets to sleep in such a fancy ball. I wonder if the inside is also just as nice!
Skittles: Greetings, I hope my acquaintance will aid you well.Wish: Do you have an urge to find and hook up with a Shou?Skittles: Er uh, what!?Wish: At the very least, with you on this team you won't be as susceptible to dying as those other Nazrins.
Skittles: !?!?!Judge: You're scaring her.

Aww, this CNazrin is so adorable with her pointy little useless sticks fighting that big mean bird!Skittles: Excuse me, these sticks are not-OH holy crap you better get out of there.Wish: Wow, maybe I jinxed her!Skittles: @_@Suwhackjob: Here, you ought to learn from me. Don't listen to Wish, ever.Skittles: I'll...I'll keep that in mind...

WHY ARE THERE ONLY BIRD TOUHOUS IN THE WILD!? HOW CAN MY POOR ADORABLE MOUSE TRAIN WITH SUCH INJUSTICE!?Judge: I think Coolhat has a favourite now.Wish: But...b-but!!Suwhackjob: You've been USURPED!

MOTHERFU-#$*(#$*(#$*(#$*#%$(!@!$(#(!*%#%#Judge: I'd...appreciate it if I can be recalled...now.Skittles: I don't think Miss Coolhat likes flying Touhoumon very much.Wish: And now we know why.If only Lighting were still around!

Wish: Wait why does she get to evolve first?
I had these random shards lying around.

Oh wait, Skittles isn't as cute anymore, nooo!Wish: Yay! I'm the favourite again!Nah, you lack the really, really nice hat.Wish: ...who could that be!?

Wish: I notice you're throwing those two with the nice hats out in these double battles a lot!If it makes you feel better, they're no Wish and Knob. Now that was a team!Suwhackjob: Bird Touhous.Judge: Our apparent nemesis.No mercy. No mercy at all.

Ahahaha! Now I can watch little Judge propel herself in the air and slam people, fancy hat first! The mental image is already amusing to the max.Judge: Uh, thanks.Wish: And you called my attacks flashy.

Not quite as funny as the headbutt but to think of Touhous dropping like flies from that is still of comedic significance!Suwhackjob: It's like that most famous wrestling move!AHA!

Wish: I miss double battles.Alright fine, I'll throw you out one of these times.Suwhackjob: Match of the century! Goddess and Yama vs. the Oni!Judge: ...I wouldn't say century, considering we're all still in our child forms.Suwhackjob: Don't kill my wrestling dream!Judge: Sigh.

This cave gives me the creeps.Skittles: The walls appear to be made out of amber, once sap dripping down it must've hardened very quickly.Oh yes, like that helps at all.
It's more like we're defeating evil corporations over going through the Touhou League these days...Wish: Either works!Judge: More morality points to you.Suwhackjob: Morality points? Sounds tacky.Judge: Well, I'll stop then. I don't need to encourage you anyway.Skittles: That was encouragement?Judge: ...let's just go.
Current Roster
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