The Nuzlocke Challenge 9: Victory Without Sacrifice? How Absurd
Current Roster
Previously on Spotto's Nuzlocke run, COOLHAT obtained all her badges and defeated her rival for perhaps the final time. The climax of her journey begins here...

The moment of truth is finally here!Warhead: Those eggs were good C:SockPuppet: Let's hope that wasn't our last meal.Yeah, we are going to hit four excellent trainers in a row, so let's kick their asses!SockPuppet: Or perhaps survive.Fine, I'll give you all this last warning. I cannot guarantee your survival beyond this stage, as I haven't this entire journey, but I won't blame you if you have a family back home to...oh wait.SockPuppet: ...The point is, I'm sure you all want to come with me to become the best Touhoumon there is, but if for whatever reason you do not want to risk your life, turn back now.FuckYeah: After getting this far? No way in hell!Warhead: After those eggs, I can burn everything~Broken: Meh.Cranium: We've all known our risks this entire time; this case is no different.Luigi: Yeah, it'd be pretty stupid to stop now.SockPuppet?SockPuppet: ...well, if you're all going too, don't see why I should exempt myself.Warhead: SockPuppet loves us too! :3SockPuppet: ...yeah, I guess I do.

Alright, it's ice. Warhead?Warhead: FWOOOOSH!!

Broken: Somewhere along the line Warhead failed so I had to come in.Warhead: I killed most of them!Yeah no images of Lorelei for some reason. I think I stomped her or forgot pictures. Seeing as I'm typing this up like eight months after I did all the initial playthrough...

SockPuppet: I just realized all these trainers we've been up against only stick with one single typing. Isn't that completely stupid?Don't insult the Elite Four, SockPuppet.SockPuppet: How hasn't the entire population defeated them yet? Or are they incompetent too?SockPuppet...SockPuppet: To think, I could've been a Team Rocket puppet, or a puppet of some idiot...Is that a compliment?SockPuppet: No, let's destroy him.

ETenshi: I AM HERE TO EAT YOU ALL--Luigi: Bye!

SockPuppet: This isn't even a challenge.Luigi: If you jinx us again with that confidence of yours...SockPuppet: I am only speaking the truth. One-hit KOs everywhere. Also, I don't believe in superstition.FuckYeah: You reap what you sow!

Luigi: Why on earth would you need two of these?Broken: Especially since they're so stupid.
ETenshi: I RESENT THAT! TAKE THIS, EARTHQU--Luigi: *surfs*Broken: They never change.

Bruno: No matter, I have the greatest oni puppet of all time!SockPuppet: *Psychic*Bruno: You bring up a valid point with that typing thing.

Cranium: COULD YOU NOT HAVE CHOSEN A MORE MERCIFUL END FOR HER?Luigi: But water good against fire!No worries Cranium, after becoming champion I promise you I'll get a Mokou.SockPuppet: ...with a masterball.Yup!SockPuppet: *sighs*

Alright this might be a bit tougher, what with ghost types and all.Broken: I don't understand your fear for ghost and dark types.Parsees are terrifying, okay!?Broken: you not know what I am!?Oh right. BUT CAN YOU KILL A PARSEE?

Broken: Didn't I do it before?I must've blocked it from my mind after realizing the incredible danger we were in.

Well, you sure are proving me wrong.Warhead: Because of Brokky here I get to destroy things without dying! She's good! :DBroken: ...what?

Warhead: LIKE THIS!I keep forgetting Youmus aren't grass-type...LUCKILY, they're steel type as well which is also weak to fire. :D!Cranium: I am glad you remember that now.Of course, if I do not that'd be a mistake we'd all regret.

I feel sorry for grass and rock puppets, they just have so many weaknesses....also fire hurts.SockPuppet: Doesn't that get old, Warhead?Warhead: Hmmmmm?SockPuppet: ...nevermind.

Cranium laughs at your feeble attempts to hurt her! Laugh!Cranium: Ha...haha? got to get into the spirit, Cranium!Cranium: Just doing my job.SockPuppet: Being too passionate is a bad thing.

Luigi: WHAT IF SHE EXPLODES!?Cranium can take it! Look at her Brick Break!

SWAG.SockPuppet: Cranium's the backbone of this team isn't she? Every time something tough send her out and all is solved.Well, she is the most reliable. She's like Broken with her awesome typing but with actual ability to hurt things.Broken: ....Of course without Broken I think most of you wouldn't be here.Broken: See to it that you remember that.
Alright guys, we're almost done this. We can do it! After everything is over none of this dangerous business anymore. We'd be retired and set for life!Warhead: But I like fighting!FuckYeah: I don't mind becoming the figurehead of some really important powerful person and doing their job for them because they're too busy!Broken: So...a secretary?FuckYeah: I'd hate to interrupt your plans for retirement, but you might want to save that conversation for when you actually win.Point taken, no looking too far ahead. It's time for now.

Lance: I like your attitude! Dragons have few weaknesses, so you better be ready!

SockPuppet, would you like to do the honours?SockPuppet: Oh right, I'm the secret weapon.

FuckYeah:'s getting cold in here.Warhead: I'LL WARM YOU UP!FWOOSH!Cranium: Overkill. Overkill, Warhead.

Luigi: It really is getting cold...I think that heat was fine.Broken: It kind of knocked FuckYeah out.Luigi: Eh, can't have the cake and eat it too.

Lance: ...goddamnit.SockPuppet: Shall I prepare my manifesto on why all these leaders are complete idiots now?SockPuppet! Don't insult Lance!SockPuppet: You can't improve without constructive criticism.

EIku: HOW CAN I POSSIBLY DANCE IN THIS FRIGID HELL!?SockPuppet: Why are they always so melodramatic?

SockPuppet: How about I switch it up for a change and use Psychic?EMeiling: :CSockPuppet: I thought so.

Thanks!SockPuppet: Clearly turning everything into ice cubes six times in a row is a show of skill...You could be a little more happier, we did win after all.SockPuppet: The lack of challenge in this supposed elite league...Luigi: You are so jinxing this.SockPuppet: THERE IS NO SUPERSTITION!

What who what? ZUN!? Huh!?Broken: You should shut up for once and pay attention.SockPuppet: ...Cranium: There's one more obstacle to overcome. We must defeat the champion.Uh oh, someone wake FuckYeah up. We're not done!Warhead: WAKE UPPPPPP!FWOOSH!FuckYeah: AAAAAAAAA!Broken: Ready to go.

SockPuppet:'t mind him, he's probably drunk...which means he'll probably make dumb decisions in the battle!SockPuppet: Overconfidence.Broken: You are one to talk.SockPuppet: We've never faced him before and we have no idea if he has a stupid team filled with a single type, and since he's the champion this might actually be a challenge.Luigi: Ji--SockPuppet: Don't say it.

...Uh, WHAT?ZUN: This is my battle attire. I am most comfortable fighting in these clothes.Broken: You're right, he's completely hammered.

Welp, drunk or not it's finally time to settle this! To see who is the victor and becomes champion! LET'S GO!!

That's an awfully familiar starting 'mon...FuckYeah: I get to do something!

Luigi: That's an awfully familiar puppet too! Like a foe I've constantly been matched up against...Cranium: ...suspicious...

Luigi: Same result though...

AHA! I get it now, ZUN is using the same puppets my rival uses! Is that an unbelievable coincidence or did he steal them?Broken: Even so, why am I out here? I can't do a thing to normal types.Point taken. Cranium, do your punch.ZUN: You've been too foolish, COOLHAT.Eh? ...nevermind him, Cranium, Brick Break that dog!Cranium: On it. *BRICK BR--*
Everything shook.

...Wh--!?FuckYeah: That was an Earthquake! I know it when I see it!Cra--Broken: Oh shit.

SUPER EFFECTIVE WHATWarhead: Cranium...?Luigi: Ground is extremely effective against Steel! BUT FIGHTING GOOD AGAINST NORM...CRANIUM! YOU CAN'T DIE! You're my most reliable Touhoumon! My favourite! A tank that can withstand anything! The greatest puppet of Kanto...FuckYeah: ...she's gone.SockPuppet: ...

SockPuppet: You shouldn't have done that.EMomiji: You don't scare me.
SockPuppet get the hell out of there! You're badly hurt!SockPuppet: I know what I'm doing.I DON'T!SockPuppet: *TOXIC*EMomiji: Wh-- *coughs* ... *faints*SockPuppet: ...a challenge wasn't worth it.

FuckYeah: Earthquake isn't merciful.

FuckYeah: It's never merciful.

Warhead: ...

Warhead: ...did we win?

...champion UN...COOL?Luigi: ...what?Broken: I don't even.

Uh, thanks.

...did you two team up?

Hello? I'm asking you a damn question!!

This is all so surreal...

Broken: Looks like we did it.Luigi: It would've been unrealistic to expect all of us to survive through that ordeal.You're right. I just didn't expect happened so suddenly, and I thought Cranium was practically invulnerable...SockPuppet: None of the deaths were expected. They just happened, it's life.

FuckYeah: I feel like we should be happier! Hm, same...

Broken: ...we did win after all, we should celebrate.

Luigi: Even Broken wants to celebrate! This is a huge accomplishment!

Yes, accomplishments do not come without sacrifices, after all...

SockPuppet: Hm.

Warhead: Let's celebrate with eggs! Seven eggs! One for all of us, Cranium too!

Yes, eggs. We shall have eggs. All of us together, in the end...

We defeated all our adversaries, overcame all our obstacles...Yes. We are LEAGUE CHAMPION!

Uncool: That was really fun, COOLHAT. We ought to do it again. There's one more thing you should do, too.Eh?Uncool: The SEVII Islands. Once you've taken a gander over there I think your journey would be complete!Can't hurt to do one more thing, are you guys in?FuckYeah: When aren't we in?Broken: I concur.Luigi: It would be unfortunate if we ended off here!Warhead: Yay! That means more destruction and eggs AND VENGEANCE!Uhh...SockPuppet?SockPuppet: I think there are still problems to solved, so why not.Then let's run.
Cranium the EX Keine H
Level 18-60
Current Roster

This is the reason I haven't updated in a while. Cranium was pretty much the Pikachu to my Ash. I seriously had a hard time doing ANYTHING afterwards without Cranium. (And yes she was my favourite! I was all NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! when Earthquake obliterated her. I had completely forgotten that Momiji had that attack) (I also dislike grinding, so taking out new puppets to replace her especially this late in the game was out of the question. I was going to beat the game with my remaining five or do nothing) So I stopped playing the game for a while. (and was already well into my Touhoumon BLUE run, which I was investing more time into and didn't feel too up to the bonus features in this version) Of course I did come back, so the next update should be up pretty soon. Then this run will be done and I might start up a new one. (I'm thinking World Link because the comic that inspired all this is going with World Link as well, and I don't want to do Emerald because I already played that and it was MURDER. I'm not doing my Touhoumon BLUE one because it was actually very boring)
And yes, EX Keines are bloody badass. I feel I'm going to try to get one every game I play. Cranium was awesome. more thing:

I wish Momiji was more threatening in this game. I mean really.
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