Current Roster
Last time on Touhoumon Nuzlocke...Coolhat liberated the city of Saffron, driving the evils of Team Rocket out of Silph Co. for good. For the nth time Coolhat defeated her rival, Uncool despite popular opinion siding with Uncool. Despite such despair, Coolhat continued on her mission to defeat every gym leader and become champion of Kanto! Broken proceeded to make Sabrina cry while SockPuppet demolished the fighting gym. What else waits in store for our valiant trainer!?

There are wild Alice on Route 1!?!?SockPuppet: As unwise as spending all your money buying me was, I appreciate the fact that you took me out of those horrid mills.

Warhead: RARHARHRHGHRHABghhh~!!!SockPuppet: Okay never mind, the mills were better.

SockPuppet: This is your mom huh?I guess?Broken: What do you mean you guess?I don't really know her name nor remember her ever raising me. But hey she let me stay in this house.Cranium: That is highly suspicious...

Oh cool there's a gym here! Huh.

Warhead: But why can't I leeeeearn it? :CBecause it is highly inaccurate and you would die. Do you want to die? Do you?Warhead: No...Then Overheat it is!

Luigi: A god should be able to call upon the rain at will!Nah.Luigi: WHY WON'T YOU LET ME CALL UPON THE RAIN!?Because I rather you call upon the sun! Isn't that a lot more cheery and happy?Luigi: -_-

I am not surprised.

He must be a really nice guy, holding back those last two times and enabling me to gain enough experience to defeat him at his strongest.Cranium: You mean like SockPuppet?FuckYeah: Exactly like SockPuppet?SockPuppet: What is that supposed to mean!?GIOVANNI IS SECRETLY AN EALICE!! STOP THE PRESSES!

ERumia: ARR! Bow before the pirate king~!Cranium: You mean queen right?ERumia: No, KING-- *brickbreaked* x_xCranium: I guess you've been...dethroned.FuckYeah: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAHHHHH!Luigi: Wait, something seems off here...

SockPuppet: Waste of time.

Luigi: These Suikas are fun to drown!


FuckYeah: ...owSockPuppet: about you step aside.FuckYeah: :C

Cranium: I guess you've THESE ARE NOT PUNS.

Apparently Steel Fist is only 80 regular Pokemon! In Touhoumon Cranium is so awesome she will always hit with it, kind of like Earthquake.

EMeiling: THE SAND IT BLINDS! IT BLINDS!SockPuppet: Here I'll get rid of it.


SockPuppet: ...okay.

Did ya hear that, SockPuppet? You have to obeeeey.SockPuppet: I had no idea every puppet in existence stared at a bunch of shiny pellets to decide if you're worthy to serve.Cranium: Actually...they do.SockPuppet: Goddamnit.

FuckYeah: But, we have me! We don't need that!Broken: Yes and you were incredibly useful this battle.FuckYeah: :C

You mean all those grunts I one-shotted? Really?

Oh look, Alice is quitting while she's ahead again.SockPuppet: ...

The party directly after the gym. Not too worse for wear.FuckYeah: :C

I will never understand why you have more fans.Uncool: What?...nothing.

How many times has it been now? Will this be the last?

EAya: We meet again! This time the result will be--

Cranium: ...the same.

Luigi: So let me get this straight. I'm part grass, but also part water. She's part electric, but also part water.And by logic, you win!

You are not LMarisa. You are also not Emerald Marisa. EARTHQUAKE WILL DO ITS DEED.FuckYeah: I feel like I'm fulfilling someone's vengeance.

Broken: *yawn*
SockPuppet: As much as I agree, I'd rather not be overconfident.Broken: That's because you never try.SockPuppet: You speak only lies!

Warhead: Finally I can roast someone! Hurray!

SockPuppet: Look how much I'm trying! Look! One-hit!Well, it is a type advantage.SockPuppet: Not listening.

Broken: Look at that, lost when not all of us even tried.SockPuppet: ...

This is it guys, the moment of truth. The goal we've all been striving for.SockPuppet: Well technically the goal you've been striving for. We're just here because you caught us.But surely after all we've been through, you too are excited for what's to come!Warhead: Whooo! Boom! Destroy! Burn!SockPuppet: ...we can't deny that, no.

Oh goddamnit, I forgot.Luigi: ?We have one more annoying cave to get through.Broken: I heard your track-record for caves isn't all that good.SockPuppet: Joy. Let's all walk into our possible deaths.Cranium: Or, for once, we could blaze through due to our previous experience.

Luigi: Whoa, it's a me!FuckYeah: ...Luigi!Luigi: What?FuckYeah: It's-a-me, Luigi. You say it in an Italian accent. IT'S-A-ME! LUIGI!

FuckYeah: Oooooo, how mysterious.

Finally able to rid Cranium of that redundant attack.Warhead: Heart Break? That sounds sad. :CCranium: Since that one especially fiery battle, it has been all I've felt.Broken: You're still going on about that!?

What could've been...FuckYeah: Oh yeah, I heard your starter was a CReimu!Warhead: She was very nice! SockPuppet: I just realized that birdbrain is your longest surviving party member....oh wow, I do remember. I feared she'd be hard to raise with her poor health and defenses, huh...

Warhead: I lived with a CSatori back home too!Uh, I caught you on a grassy field.Warhead: I wasn't at home then! I promised to come back too...SockPuppet: Ooh.

How come I never see regular EKeines!? WHERE ARE THEY!? I want to commence a counterpart battle! D:Cranium: Wouldn't that be a type disadvantage for me?I have far more faith in you than some random Touhoumon. :DCranium: How reassuring.

SockPuppet: This is surprisingly easy...

Broken: ...SockPuppet: For me, for me that is.Broken: Yes, you...

The number of times they tried to poison, eesh!Cranium: They're probably our biggest threat at the moment.

SockPuppet: Maybe I spoke too soon.Luigi: You...*hack*...jinx!No need to worry, for we have Cranium!

Fire and claw marks, the emotions of the heartbroken are violent indeed.FuckYeah: Yeah, she's not even aiming at her chest! I mean what's up with that?SockPuppet: It's not literal!

Green hair versus bunnies. WHO WILL WIN?

Holy crap we made it! We made it out! Our first cave with no deaths. This calls for a celebration!!Luigi: You lost Touhoumon at Mt. Moon?Oh right. I barely remember going through that! But that was the first cave and it'd be silly to lose puppets at such an early stage.SockPuppet: Don't celebrate so early, one obstacle may be down, but...Warhead: I think we should celebrate with boiled eggs! :DFuckYeah: I'm down with those eggs. So hungry!!Cranium: I too, do not mind some eggs.SockPuppet: Oh fine, let's eat some damn eggs.Warhead: EGGS!Once we fill up, the real challenge begins. The Elite Four.
Current Roster:No change.
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