Current Roster
Last time on COOLHAT'S adventure, we defeated Koga and surfed to the Seafoam Islands where Hatate sadly lost her life to the dastardly hands of Konngara. The group soon waded through the waters towards Cinnabar Island, gaining a few more dolls for SockPuppet while taking a peek inside Scarlet Devil Mansion, catching Hatate II along the way. What faces COOLHAT and her companions now? Read on...

Let's take a break and check out this abandoned power plant now that we can pile on top of Luigi. :DSockPuppet: Why is Hatate II here? I thought we were taking Prosper!Hatate II: I was the superior choice.

OH MY JEBUS A PARSEE! I choose you, Hatate II!

Yes. We have our sixth member now.Hatate II: What!? I'M your sixth member!I never said that.Hatate II: You're replacing me with the Touhoumon I helped you catch!?You were the only one weak enough to not auto-kill her.
Hatate II: ...

FuckYeah: AAGH! *THUNDERPUNCH*CKogasa: Yay I actually scared someon-BLARGH!

I named her Broken because I thought she was broken in Touhoumon Emerald.Introducing the best stage two boss ever, Broken! Say hi!Broken: ...was that a compliment?Hatate II: Damn you! Your fate here will not end well!Broken: Are people jealous of me?SockPuppet: ...congratulations.Broken: I want to stay here forever.

I wonder what this i--FWOOSHWarhead: much for that.

After that somewhat uneventful Power Plant, evolution!

*crappy confetti music*

Wait what?

YEEEEAH. *FFIV Victory Fanfare!*Broken: ...I didn't get good music.What? It took FOREVER!Broken: D<

The cheapest attack ever! Now let's rock this house. (and with STAB and 150 Attack stats makes this a crazy one-hitting monster...if Shou is fast enough, that is)

The Touhou mills are owned by Team Rocket!?Oh SockPuppet, you poor abused Touhou you.SockPuppet: And yet you gave them all your god you're right! Now we actually have reason to stop Team Rocket!SockPuppet: ...besides liberating and stopping the extortion of Touhoumon worldwide?The law enforcement here can't be THAT incompetent...
We returned to the Scarlet Devil particular the basement.

SockPuppet: WHY ARE YOU SENDING ME OUT AGAINST FIRE!?I'm sorry! I'm sorry!SockPuppet: ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?I'll send someone else out instead!

Cranium is invincible! Right?

*Reading the Ayanote*I don't understand. Why is steel weak to fire?Cranium: Steel has always been traditionally weak to fire. Fire hurts anyway, I'm surprised more of us aren't weak to it.I guess I'll save you for other feral Touhoumons.


That was not productive.Warhead: At least I found something shiny!FuckYeah: You mean treasure? That makes sense.I will never understand why FuckYeah didn't come with the pick-up ability.Luigi: Because she loses everything?That explains nothing! Sticky-Hold prevents items from being lost!Luigi: You're using common sense again.Oh. Okay then. Let's take the shiny to the Gym and see if it opens.

I cannot believe that worked. So SockPuppet, do you know the answer to this most mysterious question?SockPuppet: Why the hell would I know?, does anyone know the answer? Cranium?Cranium: Probably? I have no clue.Warhead: I SAY NO! Okay!

This is such a silly question.

I think you need to fix your questions. That last one was rather subjective. I suppose there isn't much of a chance for one who despises Touhou to be in this gym but--Blaine: I WILL INCINERATE YOU!Uh what--Blaine: GO MOKOU!I haven't even asked to fight you--

Mokou: BURNING!!Broken: You're not even giving me a chance to be jealous, are you?I believe in showcasing talent as soon as possible!Broken: This foreign...

*insert epic remix of Green Eyed Jealousy combined with Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke here...that doesn't exist D:*

Luigi: I just realized they're both based on rather depressing concepts!Luigi, stop breaking the fourth wall.Luigi: You did it first.

Broken: WHAT!?


Broken: PARU PARU PARU PARU PARU MOTHERF**KER!FuckYeah: ...I'm scared.

...yeah, REAL depressing...Cranium: I have this sudden urge to cry out for that Touhoumon...You mean like MOKO-MOKO-MOKO-MOKO-MOKO-TAN~?Cranium: Is that her name? It sounds exquisite.SockPuppet: You're kidding right?

Warhead: If I could do that, I'd be invincible!More like overpowered.Broken: STOP KICKING ME IN THE FACE!FuckYeah: This sure is going on for a long time...

Luigi: They've been healing and sucking life for a while now.Mokou: That Parsee...why is her head squished like a pancake? The background is filled with a funny pink colour. What a funny pink colour! I like this colour. It is nice.Cranium: MOKOU! IT'S A TRICK! YOU HAVE TO CLOSE YOUR EYES!SockPuppet: ...which side are you on?

Cranium: A part of me has died today.

Broken: That was infuriating. Never put me in such an prolonged fight again.How am I supposed to know it would go on for so--Broken: NEVER AGAIN!

Luigi: Well I'm glad I didn't have to put on a swimsuit just to be a Water-Type...I would probably have to do less laundry though.

I don't get it. Everyone has wings, yet FuckYeah can Earthquake them all! Why don't they just fly?SockPuppet: Unless it's in the manual, they can't fly.Then why not just...clip them off?SockPuppet: You monster.

Warhead: Yay! It's my turn!Amazingly, this Utsuho was actually smart enough to fly! So I sent out Warhead instead.FuckYeah: Who are you talking to?Oh, whoops. I forgot I was still in-character.
Warhead: I CAN FLY TOO! *leaps into air*

Uh...what?SockPuppet: Apparently our Utsuho is smarter. That is amazing. I am so surprised.You can stop snarking now.SockPuppet: This is the only character trait you bothered to give me.Luigi: Oi! I break the fourth walls here!

Well that was anti-climatic.Cranium: I don't know, explosions aren't particularly anti-climatic...After it started out so strongly?
There was an Orin too, but I'm sure you're all tired of Rin abuse around here.

SockPuppet: My power! IT GROWS GREATER! ...and yet, I never use it all.Warhead: I feel stronger too, Socky!

And now to go straight to the Eirin Center to heal those burns--what? ZUN!?ZUN: COOLHAT! Seeing as you have an unbelievably amazing fashion sense, it was no doubt I would come straight to you for help! Come with me! *
* Not exactly what he said. At all.

FuckYeah: I feel oddly nostalgic.Be quiet. It was an AIR ship.FuckYeah: D8

I don't understand what exactly I'm supposed to help with.ZUN: Oh, well we're just so incredibly busy we need you to run some errands for us is all.You kidnapped me for ERRANDS!?ZUN: But you agreed to come!Luigi: Oh by the way where can we get one of those cool ships? It'd be better than travelling through the sea using me.ZUN: Now hurry and deliver that rock!On it!

Broken: Her name is LOSTELLE...Warhead: And she is lost!FuckYeah: It makes so much sense!Broken: ...are those two supposed to be this dense?Cranium: It is possible to look into the future, see that your daughter-to-be at some point gets lost, and then decide to aptly name her so, even for a single situation.SockPuppet: Doesn't mean it isn't stupid.Luigi: Can we just hurry up so we can get a free boat?

Why does this entire nation lack law enforcement! There isn't even a number to call to alert them of trouble!Broken: I heard all they use are Shous.SockPuppet: Oh, no wonder.FuckYeah: What!? What's that supposed to mean!?

Well okay fine, have some Rin abuse. Geez.

Go, Cranium--Biker: OH GOD AN EX-KEINE--TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY I DON'T CARE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AHHHH!!Eh? That's strange.Cranium: There used to be a lot of bikers where I lived.No I mean all he had was eight dollars. What kind of piss-poor bikers are these!?Cranium: ...

Random Kid: My Reisen always cries and never listens to me. :CHuh, I can't imagine why...FuckYeah: I know why your rabbit whines a lot, stranger! She's damaged goods!SockPuppet: you have any idea what you just said?FuckYeah: But isn't she? She probably came from Team you, so you're also damaged goo--SockPuppet: *ICE BEAM*SockPuppet, we kind of need her...uh, you know, NOT-frozen?SockPuppet: No you don't.

Broken: I don't feel particularly safe with these things.Warhead: That's why all you have to do is just blow 'em up!

Oh hey it's a little girl running around in the middle of the night...uhm, well maybe she's seen where Lostelle has gone to!Girl: LET'S POKEMANS!Uh what--

HOW DO YOU ALREADY HAVE SUCH MONSTROUS TOUHOUS!?Warhead: All you have to do is blow 'em up!

Warhead: Blow 'em up!Warhead, do me a favour. Shout eat me.

Warhead: EAT MEEEEEE!Yeah! Good job! You do it too, SockPuppet! Scream EAT M--

...holy son of a--!!SockPuppet: Quit fooling around! THESE ARE YUUKAS!You're ICE type! And faster! Much faster! Everything is faster!SockPuppet: That doesn't mean not to take them seriously!This only happened because you didn't yell out the battle cry.

A SCARY Touhou!? This means we need the big guns. ICE HEAL!

SockPuppet: That doesn't look scary at all.

FuckYeah: EAT I!
That's "Eat Me", FuckYeah.FuckYeah: I!Okay then.

Look what we found in one of the houses on the islands! ...and now in the box you go. Forever.Jebus: This place isn't so bad once you ignore the vampires and the pessimistic ghosts!Manboobs: Woah, jailbait.Jebus: ...and the perverts.
Hakurei: I want no nonsense out of ANY of you! If I'm going to live here it's by my rules!And the adventure of the box continues on...

Okay, reeeeally gotta stop doing this.Warhead: But you said Cranium was invincible!Luigi: Well technically at this point she still is...The confidence I put on Cranium is a bit much, it appears.

Cranium: *BRICK BREAK*SockPuppet: *PSYCHIC*And then there's those laughable one-hit fights.SockPuppet: I could stand here and do nothing and they'd still die.

FuckYeah: That was a lot of Hinas. I feel like I committed a 'cide, or something.Cranium: I wouldn't feel sorry for them if I were you.


Nah, just to fight another one of these boss things who I have no clue of their typing...but Cranium was apparently effective.Cranium: We should always remain cautious around these things, especially after Hatate's incident.Warhead: You mean like CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION?SockPuppet: ...that sounds more fitting for you.Luigi: I wanted to go home. D: Oh well.
The team has retired to the hot springs for the night, as the end of this chapter grows near. Thank you very much for bothering to view this part! There was a delay due to the release of Ten Desires.
Current Roster
Extra: The Blaine battle was so amusing I did a few
crappy drawings of it. Also here are the ones that
passed on, as well as the
live ones.
(drawn before Hatate was killed, added on Parsee later on)
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