Current Roster:
Well I was wrong. The person who had different starters for Touhoumon Blue was RNG'ing it so Nue isn't actually a starter there. :C Anyway this run involves grinding, Fuchsia Gym, Seafoams, and the beginning of the SDM Mansion. Besides that, this post also involves my poor attempt at giving my Touhoumon personality so I feel attached to them and thus stop throwing them into high-risk situations. Right, SockPuppet?
SockPuppet: Oh yeah. I
feel the love...
See? SockPuppet agrees! Let's begin then! Also any text in italic means COOLHAT is speaking. Pay attention, for COOLHAT is important. Yep. Important. I also apologize for the excessive amount of cat abuse this post.

The amount of pure power in this fight was terrifying. ...actually it was a one-hit KO.Warhead: For some reason I feel very out of place.

I wonder if Ran is angry that I let three Chens die already...
C.Ran: What was that?FuckYeah, use Slash!C.Ran: Blarghghrgh!

There's a pond in Viridian so I fished there and found a Nitori! Yay!

So TurtlePowa, will you join the movement against tyranny from the tengu and oni of your humble species, the kappa?TurtlePowa: Of course! Us kappa have needs too you know! I'm just a little Nitori though. So I can't do much yet, but you'll train and make me REALLY strong, right?Say hi to Prosper in the box for me!TurtlePowa: CUUUURSE YOOOOU!

Luigi evolved first obviously. (You'll see why later)

That ponytail could potentially confuse you on which Touhou this is.

After FOREVER FuckYeah evolved.

She was level 34 or something. @_@

I feel stupid for just discovering the VS. Seeker now. Before this I grinded by running back and forth in grass. Seriously there wasn't a VS. Seeker in the first generation games and I never talk to random people in the game. @_@ (This Orin gave me DELICIOUS amounts of experience. I think I killed her like eighteen times.)
It's not my fault your trainer keeps accepting my challenge.Rin: D8

Apparently Luigi requires a stone to evolve. Luckily I had found a Leafstone earlier...somewhere. Hooray!

I wanted to find a Sun Stone and turn her into YHSanae (she would be a HAX!tank if so) but apparently Yukari's do not hold Sun Stones. :C Guess it only works after E4. (What's the point at that point anyway? O:)Also Luigi is the slowest thing ever. Luigi: No...I'm....not....uh huh.

Guess what I found on Cycling Road! Maybe she'll live this time. 3face IV, I hope I don't have to tell you why you're the fourth 3face.Cranium: Four is traditionally the number for death in Eastern Cul--Don't SCARE her, Cranium! There, you can stay in the very safe box with the others.
Sourpuss: Fifty bucks she doesn't live past the final gym!3face IV: D8

I thought Renko was supposed to be in her early twenties...or at least look it.Yeah! And since I'm COOLHAT, the superior Renko, I should look like a sexy mature lady.Koga: Shut up and fight me.

It was about here with three Touhoumon poisoned did I realize I bought no antidotes.
Warhead: *foams at mouth*TO THE EIRIN CENTER, STAT! .........DAMN THESE INVISIBLE WALLS!

Hi!Little Girl:Uh, can you speak?Little Girl: *STARES*...uhm, I guess I'll go over there now.
Why doesn't she have dialogue like whad.

I went to the Safari Zone's last area (where you obtain Surf and the Gold Teeth) ... and holy shit!

Is it a miracle I haven't encountered a PC-98 Touhoumon first in each area yet? Seriously.
Now, Jebus! You're my replacement in case SockPuppet is "accidentally" out of commission! How do you feel?
SockPuppet: What's with that tone!?Jebus: I am most certain SockPuppet will do fine in her role and I would not be necessary. On the other hand I find your taste in names particular, why is the Shou named like so?FuckYeah: I actually kind of like my name now...

Cranium learned Strength! Cranium is caving the boulders! Cranium's horns got stuck in the boulder! Cranium now looks something like this!
Cranium: |8<

I'm still trying to imagine surfing on a Sanae. On a Komachi? Her boat. On a Murasa? Her ship. On a Nitori? Her new floating invention! On a Sanae? ...her back? Luigi: Can' This stacking on top of each other is kind of fun.

Komachi: Nice boat!Nitori: A fine shipliner I must say. The helm is in a delightfully minty green, a colour I am most fond of!Luigi: SHUT...UP! Magical Leaf!FuckYeah: ...I didn't even get to do anything.Luigi: Too...slow. I found this in the waters...yeah.
I wonder if I can contact my dead Touhoumon with him...
SockPuppet: Manboobs? Really?Manboobs: Hey dooood. Oh man, you have some INTENSE curves!SockPuppet: ...get away from me!Manboobs: I like your type maaaaaan. Tsundere, is it?SockPuppet: YEEEK!
Manboobs: *CAVED*SockPuppet: ...thank you.
Cranium: No problem.

Cranium: They don't seem that intimidating...

Wow this place is cold. Maybe we can find a Cirno and catch one for once.SockPuppet: Why ever would we need one of those?Yes, why WOULD we?

Found a Rumia instead. Oh well.This is Omface. Omface: >:[
3face IV: I really don't think this box is all that safe...

What the hell is this?Luigi: Beats me...never seen my...youkai-hunting..days.

WHAT THE FLYING FU--Warhead: I can kill it! LET MEEEEE
Suffice to say I did not let Warhead kill it because it would've obliterated Warhead. I instead shocked it with FuckYeah. I think. I don't know. Who decided to put OCs in this game!? I then decided to face Konngara because I heard she was a pushover. This is what happened.
Alright from my limited and overconfident knowledge of this boss, she's easy as pie! Warhead! LET'S NUKE IT! Use Flamethrower!Warhead: WARHEAD NUKE! *flamethrowers*Konngara: Fool! *fury cutters*
Pfft! That did nothing! Warhead, finish it off!Warhead: NUUUKE!Konngara: Fool! You cannot finish me! *Recovers*
Even so, our power is greater than yours! Warhead, continue nuking!Warhead: HaHahahaAHhaHAhahA!
Konngara: Nice try. *Fury cutters*
Oh JEBUS! WHAT!? Even with a crit that attack couldn't have done that much damage! Warhead, you must return!
Warhead: I can...still nuke!
We'll use Hatate's speed as our advantage. Go, Hatate! Hatate: I'll finish this off.Use Fl--Konngara: *FURY CUTTER*
K.O....Hatate..!? What...? How did you...Konngara: Your move, trainer.You son of a bitch! CRANIUM, GO!
Konngara: *FURY CUTTER*
Cranium: I..I still got thisNO, YOU MUST RETURN--Cranium: *BRICK BREAKS!*

...I...did not know what Fury Cutter did or what type Konngara even was.

...Hatate. D:
So, turns out Fury Cutter doubles its damage each time its used. (It seriously crit'd three times in a row though, wtf?) And apparently Konngara was faster than Hatate. Cranium only survived because of her tankiness. Konngara was a Ghost/Fight. (Even SockPuppet couldn't have done anything to that!)
...what the hell was that?SockPuppet: We need to get out of here.But we have to move boulders too...are you alright, Cranium?
Cranium: ...I can still cave boulders. Let's go. Warhead: I thought I was stronger than that...
And so the adventure continues.


Hatate is now at the Sanzu Ri...ver. (Bah stupid character limit!) I miss you guys.Hatate the Aya
Level 10 - 44

So now we need to all pile on top of Warhead to fly around now.

SockPuppet: Don't know why you complained, Luigi. This seems worse.Warhead: WHEE!Luigi: Worse!?

After dropping a fossil off at the lab, we decided to investigate this mysterious burned mansion.

Why on earth do I hear Satori Maiden, 3rd Eye in the bloody SCARLET DEVIL MANSION!?Warhead: This music is nice. :D

I miraculously bumped into nothing on the first floor and encountered a Remilia on the third.

Here we have Hata--Hatate II: What kind of NAME IS THIS!? I am GREATLY offended!I am simply naming you after an Aya of mine.Hatate II: An AYA!? Then why is my name HATATE!? I demand to be renamed this instant! No! I demand to return to my mansion! Sakuya! SAKUYAA!Jebus: Oh my. A loud one, isn't she?Hatate II: And you dare BOX me with these REJECTS!?Actually I've yet to decide to use you or bring Prosper back yet, but you're not making a good case for yourself. Also, say hi to these newcomers too!

Wow I didn't know the fossils...were your dolls, SockPuppet.SockPuppet: This doesn't make any sense at all.Common sense seems to be pointless here.Luigi: I...thought you...already...knew that!

Then I realized when I was in Mt. Moon I took the fossil that made Old!Marisa, but you can get one in Fuchsia anyway so I got that one since I already obtained a Touhoumon in Cinnabar. Yeah. I should've gotten a Hakurei. D:
SockPuppet: We done for the night?FuckYeah: Why am I still on my first evolution?I dunno. You were a tiny kid for the longest of times.SockPuppet: I also prefer Prosper to...Hatate II, to join our team. And why is that?SockPuppet: Less headaches.Cranium: What does Prosper think?Prosper hasn't really spoken since Hatate...yeah.FuckYeah: That Nitori must've really cursed us then...Warhead: Unyu~?FuckYeah: When COOLHAT boxed her, she cursed us remember? And she doesn't like tengus, so..Luigi: That's...stupid...SockPuppet: I agree. If that were true either Prosper or Luigi would die next.Luigi: ...what!? Why me?SockPuppet: To replace you.Luigi: ...Well whether there was a curse or not, the next gym is filled with psychics...we'll have to rely on Hatate II.SockPuppet: Oh goddamnit. She has a type advantage over me too? Ugh.Hatate II, welcome to the party.Hatate II: I'm doing nothing for you until you change my bloody name!Well okay then. We really don't need TWO glass cannons on our team.Hatate II: Wait, you can't box me in here! I'm a Remilia Scarlet! You can't leave me to rot with these--
Current Roster:
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