And another chapter of COOLHAT'S amazing adventure begins!
I SOMEHOW LOST THE IMAGES I TOOK FOR MT. MOON. D: (Note to self: use actual screenshot program, not the built in VBA one)
So it begins at Cerulean! First a recap of Mt. Moon. I caught a Tenshi at Mt. Moon and a Shizuha at the grass directly before Cerulean. I named Tenshi EATME and Shizuha SADFACE because her Ayanote entry said she gets depressed in the rain.

I require an intro. picture since VBA ate the intro picture. Thus a picture IN THE FUTURE.

Hello far less cool version of me!

The rival was crazy easy.

I headed to the grass next to Nugget Bridge and ran into another Shizuha and so cannot catch Remilia, or Patch, or Flandre... (who is very scary to fight btw)

No caption required.

The grass next to the trainers heading to ZUN had an UTSUHO OMFG. I tried to look for another one but could not find one, so I guess I was really lucky. I named her Warhead.

I encountered a Kanako later, who would've destroyed Misty had I not encountered a silly Shizuha first!

I guess she wants to prove something.

Well I do kind of need to rely on her at the Cerulean Gym...

I really need to stop being so risky... (Tenshi's kind of really important for the gym after...)

After defeating the gym (I had a caption where Misty said I was too much, since I overleveled after the horror that was Brock and steamrolled her, but it got eaten by VBA D: ) I headed to the grass below Cerulean and found a third Chen! Uh, third time's the charm?

For the sake of this cat's survival, this was the best option.


This Sakuya was kind of scary. Until I sent out Hunter. Derp.

Took you long enough!

Yes, the end of Lt. Surge is near...especially with 3face III as insurance.


Grabbed a fishing rod and snatched up a male Hina. She won't have the chance to face battle because I immediately boxed her. (I like Hina, but poison is horribad type. I forget if Nue is poison in this game. I know she is in Emerald and it makes me RAGE)

And since VBA ate my screenshots of Mt. Moon + shortly afterwards, I can only show you their evolved forms here.

Why are all these natures completely fitting!?
Oh yeah I also bought a Fairy from that dude in the Poke Centre before Mt. Moon but did nothing with it. So yeah... S.S. Anne is up next, and with much more images than this!
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