Current Roster

Swag: Yes, I can already feel it...

Wish: I liked it better when you were 75% hat.
Judge: ...
Haruka: This seems like a foolish matchup.
Swag: HA! Fire does not scare me! Those who foolishly attack without merit deserve no mercy!
You want me to what? Why? Do I get a prize? Stupid old men and their stupid lazy as--
Skittles: Maybe there will be new puppets there?

Wish: Should I blow it up?
What? Of course not! We're only here to turn the power back on.
Haruka: How uneventful.
I found no Touhous there. You absolute liar.
Judge: He said nothing of the sort, it was Skittles.
Skittles: I said MAYBE! Why'd you have to call me out!?
Judge: I was merely correcting our owner.
Skittles: You were better 75% hat.
Judge: ....
Oh look, it's my favourite type of puppet, FLYING TOUHOUS!
Haruka: I don't see a problem with--
Mostly because I killed them with other people.
Wish: Huh, this double battling thing is pretty lame.
Judge: But you were whining so much about...oh forget it. There is no arguing with you.

Skittles: You didn't even show him being caught.
Wish: Whoa whoa whoa! Who's this attractive lady!?
Swag: That's a guy.
Wish: ...still very attractive, much more than you.
Swag: You do realize I am also a guy?
Wish: At least he wears pants.
Wish: This one's hotter than you too.
Swag: Oh for sunflower's sakes, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK.
Wish: So you admit you're uglier than a flying catfish?
Swag: Sure, whatever.
Oh right, those horrible flying puppets were those reporters' touhoumons.
Judge: Fire punch!? Of all the most generic and unappealing of moves!?
Wish: Hey, it's just a stupid news program.
Skittles: ...this feels backwards.
CYuugi: Greetings my friend, I hope we have a good and friendly spar he--
Wish: What was that?
Lolice: Have you seen my mama--
Wish: No experience at all! C'mon!
Skittles: So very glad I'm no longer a wild CNazrin...
Wish: That seems familiar...ah well!
Haruka: She didn't...she didn't get the chance to scream.
Skittles: Thankfully the rain has kept this area from bursting into flames.
Wish: Sweet, I can kick people in the face instead of having to use my arms. I hate using them.
Swag: What? Fisticuffs are the most traditional form of harm, you should not disregard it!
Wish: You're only saying that because kicking people would reveal your pan--
Wish: ...talons?
Swag: Your face is spared for now.
So if everyone hasn't forgotten yet, Flankhole's also training with us!
Flankhole: No need to pay attention to me. I relish in the shadows.
Skittles: don't say.
Flankhole: All maniacal laughter will be done outside of your hearing range.
Skittles: I...I see.
Haruka: Do not worry, this one will not harm any of us so long as I'm here.

Haruka the TIchirin
Level 25 - 42
Skittles' sole protector
Our number of fallen has become far too many. We need our own Broken.
Judge: Broken? Pray tell who might that be?
Skittles: Oh no no no no, you are not taking her out.
Relax, she'll protect every single one of you.
Skittles: Or alternatively EAT ME ALIVE!
Wish: Jebus Skittles, when did you get so paranoid?
Skittles: When I found out the average mortality rate of the Nazrin!
I guarantee you this one will keep us all safe and cozy. Say hi to uh, Huuurg everyone!
Huuurg: Huuurggghghhh....
Flankhole: I like her already.
Skittles: AUGH!

Wish: YOU!
Wow I didn't even tell him to do anything before that poor Kaguya was ripped apart.
...I'll be quiet.
Flankhole: Too bad I didn't transform earlier, could've prevented that untimely death.
Judge: That skirt's length is...
Flankhole: Does it make you tremble in sheer terror?
Skittles: No? Not at all?
Flankhole: Drats!
Certainly was the last thing that poor bastard saw.
Skittles: What a way to go.
Skittles: Oh GOD no, it's too early! I must prepare!
Swag: Calm down mouse, she's only a zombie.
Skittles: ONLY a zombie you say!?
Huuurg: UUURGHHHHH...oh that's better.
Skittles: ...she can talk?
Flankhole: I can talk.
Actually, she's a he.
Huuurg: Well yes, technically this body is of a male specimen, but sadly those vital areas seem to have ro--
Huuurg: My apologizes ma'am.

Flankhole: Why am I still fighting this thing.
Huuurg: ...and he tells me of these humans, in particular these groups who call themselves Aqua and Magma, they wish to bring massive changes to our world's geography for their own selfish gains! I do hope for the sake of all us puppets that you will do something about this.
Wish: Hey, those Magma folks are a-ok in my book!
Yeeeah, don't listen to Wish. His opinions are a bit...out there.
Huuurg: Yes, I've heard all about this Wish character. Morality especially detests you, it seems.
Wish: Well fuck him too!
Wish, language.
Oh, speaking of which, we`re now in a rather isolated building filled to the brim with these shady Aqua people.
Wish: The WORST people!
Flankhole: Huuurg, you are cool in my book. Let`s be friends.
Huuurg: We shall work together to end this drivel negatively impacting our ways of life.
Huuurg: Oh my, maybe this foreign emotion isn't lost upon me after all...
Wish: Oh c'mon Huuurg, at least fall in love with the...well you're right, there's only old hags and jailbait to choose from.
Swag: That's an old man.
Wish: Oh YOU would know.
Swag: ...
DEATH TO ALL TEWIS! Actually I just want a lucky egg, but will never find one.
Judge: One must practice patience to locate such valuable items.
Or OWN A NAZRIN! Skittles, where's my loot?
Skittles: ...Huuurg, I agree with your sentiments.
So yeah, just going through all these Aqua grunts' weak as hell puppets.

Swag: I have this document here that says "because I have green hair, I am responsible for noting every moment my owner breaks the fourth wall" ...okay.

Swag: You have green hair too. Why the hell am I doing this?
Judge: I have too many other matters to deal with over such trivial nonsense.
Like nuking that HEirin amirite?
Judge: ...nuking?
Mein gott, that poor admin is on fire!
Skittles: D-do we have a water-type in the house!?
Judge: The absence of Suwhackjob is a dire one indeed...

Swag what are you doing? That Ran was attempting to put out her owner with her mud!
Swag: Well she didn't do a good enough job, did she?
Judge: The number of blacks on this team...
Flankhole: THAT'S RACIST!
Judge: No I meant...oh why do I ever bother?

Wait, Team Magma regularly torches your members?!?!
Huuurg: I wouldn't be surprised if that ruffian was actually a member of Magma at this rate...
Flankhole: You mean Wish is a SPY!?!?
Guys calm down, Wish isn't a spy
Wish: Of course not!
...I think
Wish: ...what!?
Dude in Distress: But you have very...brutal methods...
Forgive us, a few of my puppets are unfortunately poorly trained
Wish: See Judge? If only you had more discipline.
Judge: It is in my nature to tell you off and yet your colossal stupidity just leaves me speechless.
Look Wish, we need to talk later because this is seriously--
Oh god wh--

Judge: We're going to need more firepower besides myself.
You're right...Wish, you must hold back. For the love of god if you burn more people I am releasing you forever!
Wish: Alright! You could've asked!
Wish: There!
Good, good, see isn't this better?
Wish: ...
Now you can take the next one.

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